terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2009

Não há estrada que não tenha fim e não há melhor remédio ou solução para tudo que o próprio tempo. E é com o passar dele que nos envolvemos, que deixamos levar tudo que falamos ou fazemos. O tempo. Esse grande senhor e também grande mistério por trás das coisas mundanas. Aprender a administrá-lo e até a controlá-lo ocupa a vida de muitos."

- Luiz Arthur.

Time, time is a great destroyer of dreams and hopes. I have no time, no one has time, lately the days are so small not giving us the chance to live. You can not manage the time and then? Only have time for ... I'm so so tired, I need to live and I need hope, I just want to get out of here, I just want to meet different people and fears and mistakes, so I need something different, I must live, because it can 't take this life like that, I have more fun, just enough time to exhaustion and sorrow and I'm not strong, ok? No more. So now is simply this, I watch Grey's Anatomy and crying because the pain is the same? That's not fair, that's not fair. I just want to leave here, I just want to leave this place. I need a life. I need to be happy. And please forgive the melancholy, the more I'm so exhausted, I am no longer me. I do not know who I am.

Um comentário:

The Giaour disse...

"God knows, God knows I want to break free."